Milestone reached!

Emmy hit a major milestone today. Grandma Krueger was over, resting between MTC duties, so she had been holding Emmy for a while. We suspected that Emmy needed a diaper change, so Chad got her (Erica was on the phone with her YW people, discussing the new YW value, virtue. Chad took Emmy up to check her diaper. That's when the milestone was discovered. "Erica... ERICA!"

"What is it, hon?"

"We have a blowout! HELP!"

Erica told her callee that she'd call her back in 5 minutes, and came up to help. "Oh, wow. Mo-oom... We might need your help!"

You see, when Chad had undone Emmy's Diaper and started to pull it down, he did not realize it was completely full, from the back of the back to the top of the front. Emmy felt her freedom and decided to give a good kick, and got her foot in the goo - right between her toes. Her onesie had come down a little bit, and gotten in the goo too. It took three of us to control the situation - one to hold her feet, one to manage the diaper, and one to remove the onesie without getting more goo all over. Somehow, Emmy managed to get the goo in her hands, on her chest, and even on her cheek next to her ear. After going through half a pack of wet-wipes, we decided she needed a bath. We took her into the bathroom and placed her on a towel on the counter, and started a thorough wipe-down. We were not too far into it when Grandma noticed a little fountain, flowing down and saturating the towel directly beneath her bottom.

We then went through the bedroom and the bathroom, doing damage control - gathering up all the soiled clothes, washrags, and the towel. We managed to get Emmy all cleaned up, diapered and robed. Phew!

We didn't do a thorough inspection on Grandma's clothes though. She's now gone back to the MTC. Hopefully she was protected from the mess....

I think the Dastrups' "Jacob's artwork" episode tops this one, but I feel like we're part of the club at least now.


Marilyn said…
Ah, yes, those were the days! There are SOME PARTS of being a mom of a new baby I don't miss. That would have to be one of them. But they are still awesome little creatures, even with their disgusting moments, eh? How is she doing with the cold?
Soon you can give her a real bath in her tub, and if she is like you kids were, you will hear screams like no other, as though she was being sacrificed or something! But somehow, they do survive! (I am sure you find that a relief!) Take some movies of the event so we can all enjoy it!
Gramps said…
Eeewwwww. I'm glad I'm just a gramps.
Cambrienelson said…
I hate to tell you this, but that entire story is a common occurance in parenthood of a new baby. Steve and Buff can verify that Lydia has had NINE blowouts in the past 3 days (no exaggeration). And that after the bath it is a frequent occurance that she tinkles just as we are drying her off with a clean towel. It is the rule rather than the exception. Expect it to happen again--- frequently!
Christa said…
Welcome to the club! Ditto to what Cambrie said, so enjoy!
Unknown said…
Never really thought of that as a milestone. More like a side-effect. Oh well. Congratulations on your milestone. I'm so proud of your ... milestone ...

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