Yet another update

Ok... It's now 3:45... Things are progressing, but not as fast as we had hoped. Erica is dilated to a 5 now. She's been in some pain the past two hours or so, so they just redid the epidural. We think it may have come out of place. In the few contractions she's had since it was put back in, things seem to be better.

The baby's head is at station zero, which is (as they explained to us) the narrowest part it has to fit through. We're really just waiting for Erica to dilate more. Once she gets to a 10, the plan is to let her rest for an hour and give the baby a chance to descend a little more on its own. Then the pushing begins, which they say usually takes about 2 hours.

Erica is exhausted. She was able to get in a little sleep earlier on, while the first epidural was working. Hopefully now she'll get some more sleep.

The nurse is guessing that Erica will reach a 10 sometime around 5 PM tonight.

(Erica just started snoring! She's asleep! SHHHHhhhh.....[Erica's snoring is related to the pregnancy])


Christa said…
With both of my induced babies, I only pushed for 20 minutes or less-- hopefully it will be the same for you. Thanks for the update!
Chad said…
That would be nice. The nurse says sometimes that happens, but it's not common for first time moms.

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