Christa is scheduled for Surgery !

Shortly after Ty was born, they discovered a large (orange size) cyst on one of Christa's ovaries. They said that sometimes the hormones from pregancy cause them so that they would watch it and in 3 months or so if it was still there, they would have to do surgery to remove it. Well, she went in during the last week and they checked for it, and it has shrunk down on it's own so they don't have to remove it. When Christa reported this news to Brigham, she expressed her disappointment that she won't need to have surgery after all! When he asked why, she said "Because I won't have all that recovery time to sleep!" So, Brigham has decided to schedule Christa for surgery after all! Not really, by she's going to get that recovery time she craves so much anyway! What a gallant husband!! (I don't get up with Ty in the night-time, CK does that. I just try to take over as much as I can do during the day).

Currently, Brigham is taking the boards. 9 grueling hours of test today, and another 9 tomorrow. I remember leaving the school with a nasty headache after taking a four hour ACT. I can't even comprehend 18 hours of tests in 2 days! But, I shouldn't be surprised, with what else his has to put up with 30 hour shifts at work every 4 days (with other shorter ones in between)!! I would have been dead if I were him a long time ago! But I am glad he's able to do it! Christa would hate to be a widow!!!

GUESS WHAT??? This morning Christa laid Ty down in his crib and he went to sleep on his own for the FIRST TIME!!! Yeayyyy!!!!!! However, he was horrible to her last night....but theoretically if he can go to sleep once by just laying him down at the right time, he'll learn to do it again, and once he figures out he can go to sleep on his own, maybe he won't need Christa to get up with him and walk the floors 6 times at night! Anyway, it is progress, and we will take it. Currently, he is in his crib for the 2nd time...we shall see if he does it again! Prayers going, and holding our breaths!! Oh, oh, he's whimpering in there...


Gramps said…
Don't scare me like that. That wasn't nice. I don't know how Brigham does it. He's a better man than I GungaDin. Why doesn't Christa let you take a turn at night if she's so dead? With Brigham so busy you didn't explain how he's going to ensure she gets the recovery time she craves. (??)
Marilyn said…
After he takes his 9 hour test tomorrow, he'll get home somewhere in the 4 oclock zone, and I take it that Christa will be in the "recovery unit" at that time. Which probably means Brigham is on duty that night while CK sleeps.
I told CK I could take turns with her but I know that I wouldn't be able to be as sweet a grandma as she is a mother with all those interruptions in her sleep. So I take my turns in the day so she can nap.

I just wanted to know if anyone ever gets to the bottom of my blog entries. I guess now I know! (But I already knew you read them!)
Gramps said…
I read every blog entry and every comment and I ALWAYS comment...this is a conversation, not talking to a wall.
Cambrienelson said…
I have to say that there are many times I read blog entries but don't comment because I'm nursing Lydia at the timd and only have 1 free hand.

I'm glad Ty is turning a corner. I hope life eases up a bit for the dastrups.
Unknown said…
I don't read the comments always or write them 'cause I read this on my RSS reader. Every now and then I'll come comment though.

Glad that the title of this posting was a lie though and that she's not going for surgery! Sounds tired down there...

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