I'm Just a Little Black Rain Cloud!

It seems that for me, most of the time, life rolls along with things that you use working like they should, without any hitches or hangups. Then you roll into a spell where things seem to fall apart! Well, I am in the apart phase. I had a dental a few days before I came to Albuquerque, standard stuff. I had changed dentists because the one I have been using for likely the last 6 years doesn't hire a hygienist, and my teeth always still felt like they needed to be cleaned when he was done. Sloppy at best...reminded me of the pathetic British Dentist we went to 1 time and he had finished all our our 6 checkups in 15 minutes (seriously). Well, turns out that wasn't the only thing that dentist was sloppy on. I have 3 crowns, one of which had been in pain for over 5 years, that had to be replaced (I thought the pain was from a bad job done by 2 dentists ago, because it started shortly after getting my 2 new bridges). Anyway, the newest dentist, removed the old crowns, got rid of the decay underneath and put on 3 new temporary caps. Well, today, one of them broke...and my new crowns are done, but they are in Cedar Hills. To add to that story of woe, since I have been here my curling iron has died as has my MP3 (and it's a long time till Christmas!)which I use TONS! It still will play, but ONLY on what it is currently playing...I can't advance or return to anything else. Then of course, there are the 2 new dings I got in my windshield on the way down here..... But LIFE GOES ON !

Ty didn't do very good at all in the sleep dept today, last night or yesterday, but we are still encouraged because the previous 3 nights he only got up 3 times, instead of like 7. He is reluctantly starting to be a bit sleep trained...so things are looking better there
I had Kim call my dentist about the tooth...sounds like if I am "extremely careful, brushing very carefully, and not chewing on it, and using mouthwash several times a day I will probably be to stay 1 more week, so unless this jagged tooth makes me too raw and sore, I will leave likely next Tuesday. I feel bad about that, because I wanted things to be better here first, and Brigham will still have 1 more week of this awful rotation left then. Frustration! I don't want to leave CK with a challenge as big as it still is for her. ...so I am asking please, if you could keep little Ty in your prayers, that he can get solidly in some better sleeping habits this week! Thanks family! I sure love you all


Gramps said…
I'm sorry things aren't going right for you and the Dastrups. The story you told me over the phone about the TV on top of everything else is just...rotton. Wait....YOU CHIPPED THE WINDSHIELD OF MY CAR?!?!?! >:-(
Katie Groneman said…
Wow... Our life is lookin' pretty sunshiny in Provo! You all should come here instead.

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