Mother's Day

I'm cooking dinner for Marilyn. Anyone in town and interested in joining us on Mother's Day? Yea, I know married couples have two mothers to celebrate that day but you have to eat somewhere! - UPDATE: A few days ago there was a foot of snow on the ground. Today I mowed the lawn and turned on the sprinkler system. Ah....Springtime in Utah!


Marilyn said…
I must say that springtime in Utah is better than it is in New Mexico or So California. Springtime in Utah is awash in bulbs blooming,Trees blooming etc. Yes, Cal. has a few bulbs that bloom, but tulips next to roses blooming looks ridiculous to me. And Albuquerque, just doesn't look like spring at all. No spring bulbs at all, and I have only seen one tree in bloom. Rather a bust for the Dastrups after Baltimore.
Gramps said…
Nobody else huh? Ok. We'll have a nice dinner on our own.

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