Hey! Look what I found

Just rummaging through the pantry for lunch and I came across a Summer Sausage. Expiration date June 2003. So.....whaddaya think....should I eat it?


Erica said…
Sounds like our fridge before my sister cleaned it out for us a few months ago...
Unknown said…
It was probably a really nice gift someone gave to you for which you were really grateful and looked forward to a really nice summer sausage.

So much for that.

Though it probably has enough preservatives in it.

The challenge might be cutting it.
Gramps said…
I don't know if I really dare start moving stuff around in that closet. Who knows what's in there.
Gramps said…
Oh....and if the expiration date on a summer sausage was 2003, who knows when it was packaged.
Stevo said…
Sounds like a white elephant to me

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