Question of the Day:

When Brett was a baby, I decided that rather than sing him typical lullabys (which one has to wonder about anyway: "When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall and down will come cradle, baby and all...") . I decided that a better alternative song would be one that has good meaning, so I sang him, "I am a child of God" and "Families Can Be Together Forever". He could sing them both, perfectly by the time he was 2, even though he couldn't string more than 3 words together at a time if he was speaking. It was very cute.
I have discovered that baby Ty likes to be sung to, and as we usually pace the floor bouncing to get him to sleep, it is a good time to sing a soothing song, so I have been singing Brett's baby songs, and a few other primary songs. It is SO cute! While drinking from his bottle, he will look up and smile a huge smile that just takes over his face, and he will often try to sing along with me while doing it (kind of a cooing sound that raises and lowers). So darling baby!!! He is really a good natured baby when he isn't tired. And he is doing a little better at night, which we're happy about...but its not where it ought to be yet, for sure. So, what I would like to know is, do you other little mothers experience this "singing along" when you sing to your babies? I don't remember any baby I have ever dealt with doing it. Is this just my half-heimers mind again, or is little Ty just unique in that respect?

Christa started some sleep training today. He was pretty mad about it. She let him protest vehemently for about 10 minutes, and then she went in to pick him up and he was so exhausted he fell asleep immediately in her arms, so she put him right back down....and he slept a little while. Step one taken. Keep the prayers coming that this works!


Gramps said…
Baby steps (no pun intended). Progress is good.
Erica said…
I sing Primary songs to Emmy too. She has the same reaction as Ty--she loves them, and she likes to "sing" along too.

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