New Mexico News Correspondant, Marilyn reporting

Cute little Ty is so much fun to hold! And he gives the cutest little smiles that one can hardly beleive he is on a mission to keep his mother from sleeping! Afterall, he LOOKS so very innocent, that the casual onlooker would scarcely believe his deceiving behaviors! Christa got Ty to laugh for the first time. It is very cute!
Poor Brigham is sick. He has a fever and had to miss work today...It is noon now, and I haven't heard of seen him...still catching up on much sleep deprivation I am sure. Who knows, with all the backlash of little sleep and being sick, he might just sleep through the day and night! And good for him...I am happy he is catching up.
Christa is gone to a Dr appt, the boys are in school, so it is just the little Tiger and me hanging out! Most of the time, if you put him down for his nap, he will be awake and unhappy about it in 10 minutes, so I am doing a lot of reading while holding him...I brought my geneology to work on, so I am hoping to get one of those Dastrup parental units to download PAF, so this computer will run my paf. I won't be using it much in the day, to be sure. This little family keeps us hopping until they go to bed at night, but I might could sneek in an hour or two then, which would be great!
I have decided that the city of Albuquerque is totally missing the boat! Well, in this arid climate, they probably don't need a boat, but they could probably power the whole city with electricity if they would install some windmills. (You know, like the huge propellers by Spanish Fork Canyon which supply that city with 1/4 of it's electrical needs). The wind here has been pretty much un-relenting, ever since I arrived! The doors and windows whistle it's so fierce, and I would guess some of it is 60 mph! They are totally missing a great resource! Well, Ty is calling me! BYE!


Gramps said…
Dr. Kim: If Ty sleeps just fine in someone's arms, but doesn't sleep when laid down, then the issue is he's a spoiled brat, pure and simple. I wish he was smiling at me!

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