Protection of the Killer Tomatoes

I've surrounded our house with killer tomato plants. Two by the south outside stairs (early girl & big beef), one near the NorthWest corner of the house (early girl), one in the middle of the trampoline pit (early girl), and one near the north-back fence, by the pine tree (early girl). That should keep me safe until Marilyn gets home while I'm [sob] all alone [sob]. Well, that and the red jello I spread all over the floor. Imagine, a foot of snow, then two days later planting tomatoes in my shorts/T-shirt and turning on the sprinkling system.


Unknown said…
I'm pretty sure that was a Bill Cosby reference...
Gramps said…
You never know when a chicken heart will attack.
Unknown said…
The chicken heart that ate up New York City.
Marilyn said…
Good job! Good Job! Now, you gotta watch the forcast...any frosts coming, they gotta have the wall o waters up!

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