Get those White Elephant gifts ready!

A rip-roarin' Groneman Family Christmas Party and white elephant gift exchange will be held 3:00 PM Christmas Day (early so the little people won't be tired).  Be on the lookout for some great white elephant gift.  I already have mine, it's wrapped, and under the tree for some soul.  Also it's traditional to have finger food night....little smokies, cheese and crackers, veggies & dip, etc. etc.  so be thinkin' about what you wanna fix & bring.   As for the morning the fat man comes, I do believe Bretsker will be here sometime around 7am after working with all those poor souls that have to spend Christmas Eve in the hospital so we'll just hang around and start our Christmas when he shows up, all tired and ready to go to bed ( I wonder if Santa will bring him presents since he won't be asleep at midnight...hmmm......)


Cambrienelson said…
I hearby give credit to amkovacs for this very very special elephant with a red bow on it.

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