Gronemans taking a little trip

This week I found out that I get to take mandatory vacation time over the holidays. That means I have to take my vacation I've saved up, whether I want to or not.

For better or for worse, my mandated vacation will be the entire week of Thanksgiving, and the entire week between Christmas and New Years. Fortunately, there's some of those days that are company holidays, so I'm only being forced to take five and a half days off.

So, to make the best of it, we've decided to take a little trip to the "Q"! That's right, we'll be going to visit the Dastrups for a few days before Thanksgiving. Emmy is especially excited to see her cousins. Of course she'd like to see her other cousins too. Hopefully we'll see them all at Christmas!


Cambrienelson said…
that is fun! I'm jelous! (but not of the road trip)
Cambrienelson said…
Bummer for us!
Unless Brett and Katie decided to go too, and I could get Kim to take some time off work....
Cambrienelson said…
This comment and the previous one is actually mom!
Stevo said…
Arcadia and Loma Linda are calling your names too. Our house is always open
Stevo said…
That last comment was actually from me!
Erica said…
Next up: California! :)
Unknown said…
So how does that Benjamin being sick with the swine flu play in to your plans if at all?
Christa said…
Hooray, hooray! We are going to have a great time!! Benjamin is actually doing much better. He hasn't had a fever for over 24 hours now, and only has some nasal congestion. We're keeping our fingers crossed that the other kiddos have dodged the bullet!
Chad said…
Weather might affect our plans. The 10 day forecast shows snow. We won't make that drive in the snow.
Cambrienelson said…
If you don't own a portable DVD player, you might should borrow ours. And Cambrie has a sweet little thing that can hang it up for a child to see in a car...without destroying it. You might better find one. 10 hours is a long time in the car for a baby, as I am sure you know.
Gramps said…
Apparently, that last comment was from Mom as well. Just a wild guess. So where are you spending Thanksgiving?
Gramps said…
Oh..and me, you don't want to make that drive if it's snowing. We did that last year in our was hair raising and not an experience I want to repeat. Hope you have good weather.
Chad said…
We will be spending Thanksgiving with the Kruegers, and Christmas with the Gronemans.

And we will be monitoring the weather very closely, since we don't have a 4wd vehicle. We don't want to drive any portion of that drive in the snow, period.

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