What I am thankful for?

First, absolutely, is the gospel of Jesus Christ! It brings me so much happiness in every conceivable way. Because of it I am a consistently blessed. Because I have a prophet to give us counsel (which we followed), we have avoided a lot of the economic problems currently stressing people all over the world. Because of the gospel, my children and grandchildren don't have the problems of pre-marital pregnancies, drug, alcohol, substance abuse. They have no addictions. They are good productive members of society...not perfect but trying to become so, same as me. Because of the gospel I have peace, happiness, love, rejoicing, faith, forgiveness, more patience (than I used to have) and joy in my life on a pretty consistant basis. I have learned that living the principles of the gospel has it's own reward in bringing this happiness into my life, and although I know I don't deserve the blessings my Heavenly Father pours out upon me, I truely feel grateful and "stand all amazed at the LOVE Jesus offers me!" My cup runneth over frequently!
I feel so bad for those who don't have the gospel in their life to bring them meaning and purpose to their existance here on Earth! I am SO VERY GRATEFUL to be a Mormon!
Other stuff? I am grateful for good kids and grandkids, for my husband who is loving and a great provider, I am grateful for my nice home in such a fabulous neighborhood! This is the best place I have ever lived! I am grateful to be a citizen of this country, for while it has it's problems, it is still the best place on the planet to live, and this is also the best state to live in I think. I am thankful for food in the cupboard, and my husband's good job! I am thankful to have had the opportunity to see so much of this beautiful world that God's created for our enjoyment! I am grateful to be able to do geneology which makes me happy. I am grateful for my parents who loved me and taught me the gospel and gave me such a good start to my life. I have been able to avoid a lot of the traps that cause misery because of them. I am grateful for great family relationships in my family and my extended family. I am grateful for my MP3 that I can download General Conference, Education Week and Women's conference and lots more uplifting stuff off the internet and have it to listen to any time I want. That has blessed my life. I am grateful for the trials I have had to go through: they were my best teachers, and my life is so great now because of what my trials have taught me. Trials are really blessings in disguise.

Well, I could go on an on, but I have probably already lost my readers, so I might as well stop since I don't need to tell myself what I am grateful for! The bottom line is: MY LIFE IS GREAT and I thank the Lord above every day for it, but at this Thanksgiving time...I thought it would be nice to share what I love about my life with all of you! My final thanks is to all of you because some of what makes my life so great is my opportunity to rub shoulders with good people like you!


Gramps said…
Ok....can I have your share of the toilet paper then?.....

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