lesson learned

Me: Kiera, time to go to bed...time to go potty.
Kiera: but I just WENT potty Yesterday!

Other news: I decided to put up my Christmas lights on my house independently today since it gets dark around 4:30 and Steve doesn't get home until 5:30 and we have plans for the next few saturdays so I saw no prospective time of putting them up with his help. Portions of it I could do from my 3-step ladder and parts of it required getting on the roof for. I figured I didn't want to be on the roof while Kiera started hurting Lydia or something so I took them in and put food and a show in front of them (lydia strapped in her high chair) and then I'd do Christmas lights and go check on them every 5 minutes or so. I climbed to the top of my ladder, stepped on to the top of my 1 inch wide gate and lifted myself unto the roof. I did a great job making our house look festive for 5 minutes and then decided it was time to get down. Getting down was not nearly as easy as getting up. From a sitting position I couldn't get my feet to touch the top of the gate without a little free-falling which was very risky considering I couldn't really see it and it was only 1 inch wide. What would you do in that situation? I almost jumped down a few times convinced that all of those "jumping lessons' we had in British school would saving me from getting hurt. But I decided against it. My next door neighbor was out working on his car but I was too prideful to ask for help. After an extra 3-4 mins of being up there I decided on the free falling to the gate option which felt quite unsafe but I succeeded in not killing myself. Lesson learned.


Gramps said…
I'm surprised your Canyonlands experiences didn't come to mind. I learned a long time ago it's always easier to climb up than it is to climb down. Glad you weren't stranded or hurt.
Erica said…
Glad you're safe. So how do the lights look?
Cambrienelson said…
Lights look great.

yes dad-- I should have rememberd. I remember repellind down a cliff using belts that were tied together. Not very safe either!
Erica said…
Now I know where Lydia gets it. :)
Marilyn said…
Yes, ladders are a good thing. At least ones that are tall enough.
Glad you made it alright. Oh, the things we do for Christmas spirit!
Gramps said…
Erica, you're right. :)

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