The mothership has landed and other musings by an old man

Marilyn flew out yesterday to Loma Linda and is now happily playing grandma with two cute little ladies.  As a side benefit, she gets to spend time with two lovely daughters and a great son-in-law.  She's staying for a week, going to Buff's graduation, and driving back HOME with the Buffalo.  Yea!  Buff will be back in Utah!  Dunno what the Nelson's will do with all that extra space in the house.  Marilyn and I were talking, it's been quite a few years since we had a kid move in with us. (Basement apartment doesn't count since it's totally separate).  I suspect Buff won't be living at home for long as once she has a job here she'll most likely move out.  Maybe we'll get lucky and she'll actually blog about her plans. Anyway, it will be good to have her home and near home.   I have to be in Dallas for some training all this week which leaves Katie & Brett with the responsibility of holding down the house so it doesn't float away.   I like having them live so close (couldn't get much closer withou moving in).  I'm sure having your in-laws just feet away all the time isn't exactly the most fun way to live a newlywed life, but Katie is always kind, gracious, and fun to have around when we do see them.  I got to play with Emmy at Grandma Haslem's the other night.  She was so cute.  We were rolling around the floor and she found my keys hanging off my belt loop.  She was determined to get those keys off of there.   We also brought over the big brown soft stuffed dog and she spent a lot of time hugging it into the floor.  She was also having quite a bit of fun with our mechanical Ernie.   When she first got there, I was holding her and she was just so busy looking around at everything.  The way she was looking around told me she just didn't want to miss any aspect of this new environment.  Such curiosity.  You know what I can't wait for?  I can't wait for the older grandkids like Benjamin and Kiera to start writing on the blog (or having their parents type what they say into the blog).  Remember I print them out and it will be saved as a journal.   I changed the oil and cleaned the air filters in the ATVs yesterday..and hooked up the snowplow so I'm ready to rock and roll when the snow flies.  BRING IT ON!  Ok...enough rambling for me...I've kind of hit the entire spectrum here.  Bye.....


Marilyn said…
Who is the mothership? I don't know anyone by that name!
Stevo said…
As long as her door is shut, you'll never know Buff's there:) Easiest roomate ever
Katie Groneman said…
Awh.. go on... no really... go on...

(So long as you keep letting us steal your food and your laundry, we're happy campers)

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