The trials of being rich!

I just went visiting teaching over at the Charleston Assisted Living in our area. I visit teach a very "with it" lady named Jean Dean. Jean has a son who is a geologist and found and developed several oil wells in So. America. One of the more successful ones he sold for $700,000,000.00. She says that his money makes his life difficult though. He has to spend 10 days a month on location in Columbia, and he has to do his best to look like a looser hippie, or he would be snatched and held for ransom. He has to take a body guard where ever he goes down there. Even paying his tithing is a problem for him. SLC offices that handle money called him and asked him not to write his check and turn it in through normal channels because it is too much of a temptation to the many people who handle the money on it's journey to headquarters. He has been asked to hand deliver his tithing to SLC to avoid problems that could occur on down the line. He also has to be on guard constantly from people who try to identity fraud (or any other means) to his money. I would pass. I am happy with what we have...and I only hope that we can continue to live as well as we do now....but that probably won't happen. And it won't be the end of the world if it doesn't. We are better off than 99% of the people on the planet, and I am grateful for that!

Back to Jean's son: He owns a drill, of course, and has been working with the churches Humanitarian Aide program and they were going to use his drill to put in some water wells in desperately arid regions of I-can't-remember-what-country. Everything was going well, and it was going to happen, but then the king of the country said that they would be allowed to bring the drill rig into the country to drill the wells, but they would not be allowed to take it out. Beings that the drill costs over $1,000,000.00 that was a problem. Not going to abandon it! And so the project has been halted! It is amazing to me that a king would be so GREEDY that he would refuse help for his people to live a less miserable lifestyle, simply in an attempt to grab something of high value. They aren't coming with the drill now...the king doesn't get to grab what is not the only losers are those thousands who could have had the benefit of clean water, but don't now. I would hate to be that king, come judgment day!!! Not even willing to give thousands of his people an easy drink!


Christa said…
While it's not all roses, it's hard to feel too sorry for the guy... if it was that rough on him, I'm sure he wouldn't have to look too hard to find some people willing to relieve him of his suffering! ;)
Marilyn said…
Nah, I don't have too much compassion, but you wouldn't expect it to be a challenge either!
Just something to report that isn't "I have been cleaning up the leaves in the yard, and getting rid of the frozen annuals" kind of stuff that would put everyone to sleep. My life doesn't have much that is report worthy.
Erica said…
Did your ward stop doing the group visiting teaching thing? This lady's life sounds so interesting. I love talking to old people. The church is doing (or trying to do) so much Humanitarian-wise that we don't even know about. So amazing.

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