The Adventures of the Buffalo

So my adventures thusfar haven't been too exciting but i'll report them anyways since mom keeps bugging me about it.
Yesterday morning, I had my interview at Primary Childrens Hospital up in SLC.
It's on U of U's campus and only as I was driving past all the signs that say "home of the Utes" did I realize "hmmmm.... maybe I should have taken off my license plate frame that says 'the car may be red but the driver is blue. Go BYU!' I sure hope my car doesn't get keyed or anything..." I'm all for BYU pride but, if I get this job, i've decided that for my car's sake, it might be wise for me to take off the license plate frame.
Anyways, the interview went well I felt. She was very encouraging and seemed to be happy with the fact that I had some previous experience working with similar type cases with the kids on that floor (it's the Neuroscience unit I applied for). I should know by the end of the week if I got the job.
After the interview, i proceeded to drive to Kaysville to get my CNA license transferred back to a Utah License and then I drove down to orem to get my drivers license changed to a Utah one as well. It was a very eventful day and hopefully it all falls through quickly.
Last night was a meteor shower and my friend Mike invited me to go with him and all his fellow RA friends. we went up and watched it up at Sundance and we could see TONS of stars. It was really pretty and we had fun trying to identify constellations and watching the meteors. It was SUPER cold though. He has a convertible so we just put the top down and reclined the seats to watch but I had on my undershirt, my sweater, my jacket, my puffy coat, wrapped in a smaller fleece blanket and then a thicker big blanket, gloves with hand warmers, and then one of Mike's blankets over my lap and it was still rather chilly. but it was great fun and I got back home around 3:30 am.
That's about it except for the fact that I went apartment hunting this morning and I've decided to move into the Centennial apartments SE of campus. So yeah. That's all.


Marilyn said…
And she went to lunch with him today...
Cambrienelson said…
Let me guess...MIKE lives in Centennial.

I don't know how you could possibly say that there is nothing is "too exciting". just moved to a new are interviewing for new jobs, finding new places to live, have different people to hang could it possibly be more eventul than that?!
Gramps said…
How could it be more eventful than that?!? She could have my life. I get up, go to work, come home, eat, putter, go to bed while trying to convince Marilyn to get off the computer. Rinse and repeat.
Breanna said…
No cambrie. Noone I know lives at centennial, it just had the best ratings on and when I went and looked at the apts, I talked to a few people who were very happy living there. Mike is an RA at Helamen Halls

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