the post you've been waiting 4: Gronemans visit Nelsons

(see Nelson blog for more juicy details).

It was tons O fun to have Chad Erica and emmy come visit. They helped us to celebrate Kiera's birthday, we watched the byu football game with them, Erica converted us all to eating green oranges with salt (yummy!). Lydia and Emmy were persecuted by people trying to arrange cute pictures of them, we played games, went to the park, fed the ducks, went to a dog park, and had lots of fun. You all missed out.
I have cute videos too, but since I'm leaveing for arizona tomorrow I'd better go pack and be done blogging : )


Gramps said…
Hey! The girls are eating all the bread for the duckys! Looks like Emmy and Lydia got along famously...except in the sandbox. I'm also glad to see Lydia is learning to use the telephone and run the VCR. about a fancy princess cake! Good job Punkin'! Looks like you're right up there in Christa's class of cake decorating skills to me. Looks like Kiera really enjoyed those frosting roses! So did Steve. I wish I could have been there for the princess's party. We called but nobody was home.
Cambrienelson said…
oh no no no...I didn't make the cake. The plan was to make the cake, but with Chad and Erica around, and other weekend buisiness I decided to forgo it and just buy it. Nobody liked it to eat, but thats ok because we had homemade apple pie to eat instead.
Marilyn said…
So...cute pictures! Of course...they are of my grandchildren, so how could they not be? Emmy is bigger than Lydia it looks like...not too surprising. I was wondering how Lydia got on top of the table where the VCR sits...I don't see anything for her to climb on. And yes, one does wonder if it was just before lunch time with all the little ladies eating the duck food!
Stevo said…
Notice Lydia's walker next to the VCR. That's how she got up

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