Happy Birthday Mom!

On this the 9th day of July 2007, we'd like to offer our congrats on having your age change, or whyever it is that we celebrate a number change in your life.

And though I can't quite figure out the logic of celebrating changing numbers, I'm glad you're my mom. Thanks for being a good one. Love ya. Happy birthday.


Christa said…
We agree! Happy birthday, Mom! We wish we could party hard with you!
Cambrienelson said…
Amen and ditto. I hope you noticed how much Brett must love you.... just think about all of the time it must have taken him to make all those letters different colors in "Happy birthday mom". THAT is true love.
Chad said…
Yeah. That's a lot of work. Happy Birthday!
Marilyn said…
Thanks guys! I feel loved! I got great kids, and Steve even SUNG to me this morning! Brigham, I am sure is in the midst of a 18 hour day so he is very excused, but I got a happy birthday call from Christa, BJ, Nelsons and the cutest birthday card ever (hand drawn) from Benjamin, that now has a place of prominence on my refridgerator! So cute. Thanks for the picture of Jacob to. It was also added to my picture gallery on my fridge! Thanks

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