The Nelson family ran a 5k yesterday. It was mine and Kiera's first 5k ever and we didn't do so bad. We ran as a family and we got 28:18 for our time. I know that many of you out there could totally whoop me, but I felt like it was pretty good for a start. It was fun to run. I'm going to start training for a half marathon in november. Wish me luck-- I'll need it!


Christa said…
That's awesome! That time is nothing to be ashamed of! Especially pushing Kiera. I'm surprised they let you-- it was always against the rules in Baltimore. Good luck with your half!
Marilyn said…
Yeah, way to go Nelsons! I walked it once with dad...
Actually, I am currently walking 3 miles a day, in an effort at losing some more weight, but it isn't coming off any too fast.
Stevo said…
Actually, it was me pushing the stroller, but with my 5K time in Maryland, it would seem like that wouldn't make a difference:)

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