This week has been a really fun week. Crazy, but fun. Erin was here visiting so of course we had to give her the california experience. Mon wes FHE so we went and played steal the flag at a park and then we went and watched Transformers till 1 AM (which by the way is a pretty good movie). Tues, we went to go see the midnight showing of Harry Potter. We got there at 8 PM and there was already a huge line around the theatre. We were lucky though and we had people there already waiting in line so we got in line and waited for 4 hours until the movie started. It was a great movie but it probably would have been better if I had gone to see it at a reasonable hour. I didn't really want to go see the midnight showing but erin and the rest of my cali gang was going to see it that time so I figured I'd tag along. Wen, we went up to do a service project for the young womens of our stake. They were at yw camp and the leaders got a whole bunch of singles to do a "hold to the rod" thing. It was way cool. There was a whole bunch of scenes that were supposed to show what worldly things were like and we were supposed to tempt the girls to come off of the rod. It was actually fun. I was in the great and spacious building scene. Before that scene though, me and a few other singles were supposed to go and as the girls were going through a tunnel, they would see and hear our silloettes (sp?) mocking and making fun of them and then we'd run up to this building where there was loud music and party lights all around it. It was quite realistic. There was a whole bunch of singles (myself included) "partying". We had the IBC root beer bottles and rolled up peices of paper that looked like weed and we kept trying to pull the girls off the rod. We didn't succeed but we tried. It was really fun. On Thurs, as you can see from the pics, we went to the beach. We built sand castles, buried Jed, played in the water, and built a fire so we could make smores on the beach. It was awesome! Fri, we went and danced like there was no tomorrow at one of the dances that they have every week. Sat, although I have no pictures to prove it, we went to Six Flags. I decided not to take my camera along as last time I took my camera there, it fell to it's doom. But we went on a whole bunch of crazy rides! It's 10 times better lagoon. The only reason it's not more so is because the lines were huge! For the first part of the day, every line that we waited in was about an hour and a half to two hours long. But we had a lot of fun. Anyways, those are my adventures of last week. Thought you'd all be interested :-) Oh and by the way, Cambrie put a new video of Keira up on youtube. Go check it out, it's really cute. It's the one entitled Kiera eating Yellow Death. Ciao family!


Marilyn said…
Yeah BUFFY! You blogged for us! Proof that you do exist, and have not fallen off the edge of the earth! Fun pictures! So this Jed dude that is buried...just a friend? Was Erin in love with Ca. too? If so, I am glad you are smart enough now to know that she isn't a good candidate for roomate. Glad your bar has been raised.
Marilyn said…
Great video of Kiera. It reminded me of Cookie monster eating cookies actually get swallowed, but he sure has a good time in the effort. And hey, I am not sure but that Kiera has the right idea: Just suck off the sauce and forget the noodles! She is darling!
Gramps said…
Interesting stuff Buff. Who is "they" that have dances every week? Sounds like you're having a great time. Looks like it too. oh, and the video of Kiera is priceless. She almost got the camera with that stuff!
Christa said…
I can see your belly button! Oh-- by the way, I don't think that you're old enough to be hanging out with guys that old! You are still the baby sister!
BUFFY said…
yeah yeah yeah cake....i'm only 10 years younger than you! and jed is just a friend mom. nothing more. and he never will be either.

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