Like the true Harry Potter fans that we are, Brigham and I went to see the new movie yesterday. There were a few things about it that were different than the other movies that left us feeling a little disturbed (I'm curious to see if anyone else will even notice), but we enjoyed it very much! Brigham says that he thinks that it is the best movie yet for sure. I am not quite the movie critic that he is, but I can agree with that. We look forward to getting the book on the 21st!


Gramps said…
I'll probably see it when it hits the dollar theaters.
Marilyn said…
...which means that is where I will see it too. which is fine with me.
Cambrienelson said…
buff saw it at midnight on the first day. THAT is true fan-hood. Steve still hasn't read the books so he doesn't appriciate the movies as much
BUFFY said…
Yeah I sat out of the theatre for 5 hours waiting in line. I agree, it was the best movie yet but i also agree that there were some things that they changed that disturbed me. Some of the changes seemed unnessesary and pointless. But oh well. We didn't make the dicisions. I'm excited to read the last book that comes out soon.

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