So, this last sat, our ward did an activity. It was a "bike to the beach" thing where people who wanted to ride their bikes to the beach came, we dropped them off at either the 30, 18, or 10 mile point and they rode their bikes to the beach. I didn't do it cause I'm a wuss and it was really hot that day but I was one of the drivers that dropped off the bikers and then was in charge of going to go find food for everyone. That was fun.....we got lost and had to call the pizza place a couple of times to get unlost. But after we got the food and people were coming in to the beach on their bikes, me and some friends took off and decided to go for a swim in the ocean. It was way fun, tho we did not go boogy boarding (the waves weren't that great). We just kinda bobbed up and down and the temperature of the water was glorious! Well, after we had been in the water for about an hour and a half we decided maybe we should get out for a while so we got out....but we didn't get very far. They buried me in the sand by the water and turned me into a really'll never get it though.....oh alright I'll tell you if you insist. They turned me into a hotdog. With the bun and everything. As it turns out, I make quite and unusual hot dog.....anyways, after I got unburied, I had sand all over me so of course I had to go back into the water to rinse off. We then spent another hour in the water just playing around. The air started to get chilly and we started to get hungry so we got out and ate. I had just gotten dressed into my dry clothes when we saw a whole pod of dolphins! It was really cool! I wanted to go out and swim with them so bad but I had just gotten dressed and I thought that by the time I got dressed back into my wet stuff and got out there, they would be gone. Turns out I would have had enough time but It was really cool to see them jumping in and out of the water! Anyways, I had a lot of fun and decided I love the beach and I'm going to go back as much as I can :-) That's my little adventure of last week. Ciao fam!
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