Last night we did something highly adventurous. We had 19 couples from our ward, and their children over for dinner. It took us a few days to prepare our place for the crowd, and we were sure that there would have been some distruction, but it was actually a great event. There was no distruction more than some trompled flowers (no big deal). We got tons of comments...."this is fun, you guys should do this again some time!" I think the next even we plan will be at the park though : )


Gramps said…
You didn't invite me!!!!!! :-(
Christa said…
I'm glad there are people like you who are willing to host that kind of thing. That sounds like something from one of my worst nightmares! Please tell me that you didn't make all the food!
Marilyn said…
She made ALOT of it. She told me about it before the event. Brave soul I think! Maybe a little "crazed" like her mother! Watch out the rest of you, it could be in the genes!

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