Yesterday was Brigham's day off, so in the morning we took the boys to the Rattlesnake Museum. Benjamin was very excited to see so many rattlesnakes in so little space (and it was little-- it was just a little house that had been converted into the museum). We even had one rattle at us through the glass! Just one more reason for you all to be lining up to come to Albuquerque! But don't fight-- we will make room for all!

We had some friends watch the boys for us in the afternoon so we could go out, so between that and staying up a little longer than we should have, we finally finished the last Harry Potter book. I thought it was great! It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience to read all seven books out loud with Brigham. I'm sad that it's over!


Gramps said…
See the Discussion Group. A whole museum set up for rattle snakes eh? Interesting.
Cambrienelson said…
I wouldn't mind seeing them in a museum-- I just dont' want to see them in your back yard
Chad said…
Cool! I wanna see the snakes!

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