The house mentioned in the blog entry below? Yeah, it's mine.

The sellers have accepted my offer. I'll start working things out more on Monday.



Marilyn said…
Wahoo! is right!!
So, did they throw in the wife to cinch the deal??
Gramps said…
Oh boy...can I use your swingset? Let us know details when you know them. A thread in the discussion group would be nice.
BUFFY said…
wow! My brother is rich! He owns his own house and everything!
Christa said…
Congratulations on being the first Groneman sibling to own a home! It must feel great!
Marilyn said…
No, Buff, you got the wrong idea. He WAS rich:Now he is poor in a nice house to make him feel better.
Cambrienelson said…
That is awesome!! I"m jelous-- we nelsons won't be getting one any time soon. So what all do ya need for your house?

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