PROPOSED TRIP BY MA AND PA TO NELSONS AND DASTRUPS: We are just making sure that this would work for both of you, but we are thinking that after Kim's SysOp retreat is done in Las Vegas on the morning of Oct 12 we would drive to Nelsons (arriving at about noon) on the 12th and stay until 16th, which day we would drive to Dastrups and stay until Sat morning and drive home Oct 20th. We would also have to drive to Maryvale and pick up the Jeep and the ATV's that we would leave there (we are going there on this Sysop trip to do 4 wheeling). This would mean we will be gone for over 2 weeks with the retreat too. And that would probably mean that we would have to have Saundra put Grandpa in respite care the second week (I don't think she and Randy will take him for that long), but if this plan works for you people, we will talk to Saundra and see what she says. If not, then I will have alot of work to do to arrange to have him put in Respite Care (they make it quite a pain in the tush because of liability). So we will let you know when we have a solid plan.

I would appreciate your prayers for the Lord to bless my dad's heart. He is having alot of chest pain. They know that he has another blood clot in his heart, but he says that everytime he turns, he has a sharp pain (right under his left nipple). His Dr says (about the clot), let's watch it for a month and see what happens. In the meanwhile, he is popping alot of (I think they are Nitrogycerin) pills for pain when it hurts, cause it hurts several times a day. He is a prime canidate for a heart attack or stroke...and then of course there is the problem of my mom again. Dad did say that she is getting so weak she can hardly walk, and her legs and ankles are quite swollen. I am thinking that is probably heart related, by we aren't fixing any more physical problems with her...and she wouldn't be willing to go to the Dr even if we wanted to take her. But we sure need dad to stick around.


Christa said…
We'd love to have you come anytime. The hot air balloon fiesta is Oct. 6-14, and it would be cool if you could see it, but I know you do what you have to with Dad's work. Just let us know exactly what days you will be coming!
Stevo said…
2007 or 2008?
Stevo said…
J/K We'd love to have you over. The hot gas fiestas are south of the border in Tiajuana whenever you want to go and it would be cool if you could see it too...

just order their nachos and jalepeƱos:)

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