Let's Talk. Do you ever wonder if you've missed some comments on a blog entry...do you get tired of checking back on blog comments to see if you missed anything? Do you ever wish you could TALK about something someone posted? HAVE I GOT AN ANSWER FOR YOU!!!! I've created a private google group just for our family. It's linked right over <-- there. You all should have received an invitation (joining is by invitation only) to join the group in your email. Do me a favor...give it a go. What is it? It's a place to hold DISCUSSIONS. When you post something here on the blog that you think needs discussion, you can link to it right from the blog. Ongoing discussions can happen over time and you don't need to worry about finding the discussion because discussions with the newest posts in them move to the top of the list. You can also subscribe to the group to have it send you your choice of an email every time someone posts, or a daily digest of all the posts, or an abridgement...etc. etc. No need to ever miss a discussion or comments again. It's actually quite cool. Tell me what you think HERE.


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