Common Answers: November Results

174  Christa Dastrup        1   1   1   2   1   1   1   1   1   22  6.38%
305  Chad Groneman          1   1   2   2   2   1   1   1   1   13  3.03%
504  Brett Groneman         6   1   2   1   1   1   1   1   1   9   1.10% 
771  Kim Groneman           3   5   2   2   1   1   1   1   1   2   0.40%
869  Breanna Groneman       1   1   8   1   4   1   1   2   1   14  0.27%
1197 Katie Groneman         4   5   1   1   2   1   1   1   1   14  0.06%
Way to represent the Dastrup family Christa!
Whomever doesn't take part in the DECEMBER COMMON ANSWERS at BrainBashers is a dirty rotton bah-humbug! It's fun! It's Christmas themed!  Be sure to enter your answers THEN verify by responding to the email they send.


Gramps said…
....and I can't believe that "Zoo" was the #1 "made up" word that starts with Z. Sheesh. What planet were these people born on?
Erica said…
I actually entered this time. Not sure how to add myself to the Groneman League or whatever it is. I've entered before and not shown up here.
Unknown said…
Erica - Do you get a confirmation email when you enter and do you complete the confirmation? Are you using Erica Groneman as your user name? You don't have to be part of the league...I just do a search of the complete results for the names Groneman, Dastrup, and Nelson.
Unknown said…
Erica, I just went back and did a search for "Erica" in the November complete results and you're not there so if you entered, they apparently didn't get your confirmation.
Erica said…
I haven't entered for a month or two because I kept forgetting to ask Chad to help me make sure I show up. But count me in for December! I got my confirmation and should be good to go. Thanks for checking on that for me.

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