A holiday day at the Groneman house

I had a good day.  Brett stopped in this morning after seeing Katie off to school just to say "hi". The two little Nelson princesses got up and played.  (I played princesses at Disneyland with Kiera for a little while).   We all piled into the Jeep (Us, Nelson's, Brett....and Buff drove separately since she had to go to Provo after) and we made our traditional trek to DI!  Then, as the song says:  "City street lights, even stop lights, blink a bright red and green, As the shoppers rush home with their treasures.".  We had cheese sandwiches and tomato soup for lunch.  Then, as cold as it was....not really...the snow was starting to get soft, we went out with Kiera and Lydia and played in the playhouse.   Really.  In December.  Close the door and get enough bodies in there to warm it up and it wasn't too bad.  We had Orange Chicken for dinner and we watched "Anastasia" thanks to Buffalo who went and got it from her appt. in Provo just so Kiera could watch it.   We called Christa to wish her a happy birthday  but only got her answering machine so the gang sang happy birthday to her answering machine.  Oh...and sometime during the day we played PIT and SEQUENCE.  I didn't win either one so I'm pouting.  The little ladies eventually went to sleep and so did Gramps (or "Jamps" as Kiera says).  What a great day.  Looking forward to more great days this week.  ONLY 3 more days until CHRISTMAS!!!!!!  I'm *SO* excited!  It's gonna be GREAT!


Stevo said…
Gramps forgot our very important decision of a new Groneman DI tradition: Starting next year the DI trip will start with a 3 minute shopping spree for everyone. Anything you can get in your basket in the first 3 mins Gramps will pay for. I can just see us now: running full speed through DI throwing things in our cart with everyone wondering what the heck we are doing.

Cambrie (too lazy to sign in)
Marilyn said…
Brilliant,dont you think, about the DI shopping spree? I will take the credit for that (this is grandma on Bretts laptop, as Lydia is asleep in the computer room). Course those Dastrups will want the shopping spree at the MALL by then...none of this DI stuff with a good job!

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