Happy Birthday Christa!

Happy birthday Bug!  Let's see....you were born in 1977.....that makes you.......whoa!  Nevermind.  Ya know....I was watching "Finding Neverland" (thanks Katie) the other evening and there was a line in there that kind of struck home.  The guy said something to the effect of don't be so anxious to put your kids to bed because the next day they will just wake up one day older.  So true!  It seemed like I was always looking forward to the next milestone in my kid's lives instead of enjoying them fully as they were.   You grew up way too fast and were gone before I was ready.   When you were born I was just a stupid kid that had married the girl of my dreams and I didn't know anything about having a family.  You came into the world and changed our lives forever.   For the good I might add. And you were just the first of five. "Sunrise, sunset, sunrise, sunset....swifly, flow the days...."  I hope you have a WONDERFUL birthday.


Chad said…
Happy Birthday Christa! My (much) OLDER sister!
Christa said…
Thanks, guys. Brigham and Benjamin were up for much of the night throwing up, so I don't think much partying will be going on, unfortunately. I just hope it gets through everyone before Christmas. Bet you wish we were there now, huh?
Erica said…
Oh no! That's not a good start to a birthday!

happy birthday anyway, and I hope the family gets better soon and that you don't catch the bug!
Stevo said…
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Cambrienelson said…
I'm so sorry you have the pukies for your birthday. Only a mother can understand how difficult that can be to have that go through your family! Ug! I hope you are able to do SOMETHING fun for your birthday at least.

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