Thanks be to God and Katie!

I really HATE close calls of this nature. Perhaps you have seen Brett's post on facebook, but if not, Brett went into Insulin shock last night while he slept....which caused a seizure, which woke up Katie, and she scrambled to help him and found his glucagon shot which saved him! If she hadn't been there, he would be dead!
The thing is with Brett working nights at the hospital, frequently he comes home and goes to bed right as Katie is leaving for no one is there to help him. Katie yelled for our help, but we were sleeping, and I had put in earplugs and covered my head with a pillow cause my sweetheart was snoring, so I didn't hear a thing! Brett bit his tongue pretty bad and got blood all over his pillow, and managed to swallow a lot of blood, so he was up the rest of the night too nauseated to sleep, and Katie with him, because she was nervous about it happening again as Brett couldn't keep down anything he he couldn't bring up his blood sugar by eating. Rough night! I wish they would have come and woke me up I had Phenergan that would have helped him. But he was still nauseated this morning, so I gave him some then. They are sleeping as I write this!
I thank the Lord for this MAJOR tender mercy! And we WILL get the monitor that can attach to his insulin pump to warn him of low blood sugar, one way or another! Every time he has ever had an a problem with insulin shock, it has been in conjunction with his sleeping, one way or another. I don't want this to EVER happen again! If there is a tool to fix it, it will be fixed!


Chad said…
Let's not do that anymore, Brett.
Unknown said…
Well it's not like I plan on these things happening. It's always happened in my sleep whenever it has happened. I am very very thankful for Katie's help. I actually just got the story this morning of what all went down that night as I can remember very little of it besides barfing my guts out followed by dry heaves and bile. However I'm not so convinced I'd be exactly dead if Katie hadn't been there. I probably would have woken up later and sicker and sore-er than I did, so I *am* very thankful for Katie -- of course. Eventually my liver would have squirted out some glucose into me to bring me back -- again, not that I ever want to do that again to rely on that happening.

This morning, the nausea is gone (thank heavens!), but my tongue is very painful from where I decided to chew on it, and my muscles all over my body are very sore. It's hard to lift up my legs 10 inches to put on my pants. Katie says that's from me having rigid-stiff muscles for so long.
Marilyn said…
He is in the process of getting the blood sugar monitor that attaches to his insulin pump. That will help.
Cambrienelson said…
Holy cow Brett! Be careful with my brother! In all seriousness: you scare me to death! I don't want to be attending your funeral any time soon so PLEASE be careful with yourself!

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