A weekend with Emmy

Chad, Erica, and Emmy came over Saturday morning just for no other reason but fun...they stayed the day.  Emmy is a good walker now!  She holds her hands out over her head when she walks, but she can do it!  Also, she has a new trick.  When someone says "What does Santa say" she comes out with the cutest little "ho ho ho" you've ever heard!  Saundra/Randy came over for dinner and we had Roasted Raspberry Chipoltle Chicken and home made Mushroom soup.  Mmmmm.  Dang I'm a good cook. BUT WAIT!  THAT'S NOT ALL!  Emmy & crew came back on Sunday morning early so Emmy & I could play while the rest of the crew braved the snow and slick roads to go to the Music & the Spoken Word.   Emmy and Gramps had fun but we had a crisis!  Emmy's pacifier was nowhere to be found!  It was sad...but we lived through it and we got some good play time in.  One more week of work until I have a week off for Christmas to spend with the little Nelson ladies & whomever else comes over to play with us.   Well, that's my life this weekend!   HEY BENJAMIN!  What did the gingerbread man put on his bed?  A cookie sheet!  HA!


Erica said…
Emmy sure does love her gramps!!

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