What do Santa's sleigh and Nelson's car have in common?

They're both coming to our house for Christmas!  YEA!  Nelson's will be driving up on the 20th and leaving either the 26th or 27th.  I'm taking that week off from work.  I'll be missing the Dastrup family this year, but they've already given me the greatest Christmas present they could ever come up with so I'll have to be patient until the week of March 14th to see them.  I can't wait to see Cambrie and Steve again, and to play with those two darling little princesses. It will also be fun to see them first hand (not just in pictures) playing with Emmy.   I love Christmas time...it's just magical.   Speaking of Dastrup family, they'll be moving out of their house at the end of May and, if they'll have me, I'm planning on going down to help them pack up and move.  Dunno the exact dates yet (it's up to them), but Memorial day is May 31st.  Bringing my own air mattress and sleeping bag to throw out among the mess.  It really can't be considered "work" when you consider the cause.


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