Update on Cambrie

I talked to Cambrie this morning. She is in the hospital as she was yesterday and the day before. She thinks she is going to get the feeding tube put in today, or tomorrow. The fact that she had leftover nausea meds from Lydia that she has tried and they failed, means she isn't going to have to do all that again to prove that it doesn't work.
The people in the hospital think she is NUTS! "WHY on Earth would you do this again??" is the question on everyones minds. But look at little Kiera and Lydia, and you have the answer! Besides, she is racking up a lot of extra credit points in Heaven for being willing to go through this again, to bring a child of God to a great home !! Punkin, I think I can speak for ALL OF US when I say, we REALLY do respect the sacrifice you are making for this next child!
Sounds like poor little Lydia is heartbroken. When Cambrie was still home, she still couldn't be close to her because of her smell making Cambries nausea worse. I am glad that Steve is there through this week. It would be so much worse if they were both gone!
I will be going down either this Sat or Sunday, depending on the forecast for Sunday. I am really hoping Cambrie will be able to come home within the week...not for my sake but for the little ladies...but it may not happen that soon. Please keep all of them in your prayers...it's not easy for the daddy either!


Gramps said…
Yes Marilyn, you can speak for all of us...at least me. Nelson family is in my heart and mind right now.
Erica said…
We love you, Cambrie. You can do it.
Christa said…
I'm impressed with how well Cambrie is handling all of this. I talked to her right after she was admitted yesterday, and she sounded totally upbeat and like it was no big deal. What a trooper! We hope she gets relief quickly!

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