Emmy is ONE!

Happy FIRST birthday to Emmy! One year old today. Looking at her big toothy smile on my fridge, I can't wait for her party later on today.


Marilyn said…
Happy Birthday, sweet baby Emmy! We're looking forward to her party this evening!
Christa said…
Happy birthday, Emmy!!! We wish that we could come to your party. We hope to see lots of pictures! We love our only red-headed niece!
Cambrienelson said…
I wish we could be there too! Happy birthday! Post lots of pictures-- we are excited to see her in a few weeks.
Gramps said…
Sorry I had to miss the party...some bug got me Sunday morning and lasted until late that night :( I wanted to see my little sweetheart on her birthday.
Erica said…
She wanted to see you too. It wasn't the same without her gramps, but we'll see you soon anyway and she can show off her walking skills for you. :)

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