It's Christmas Day

I hope all my loved ones are having a good Christmas.  We got to go to Brett & Katie's place and watch them open their gifts. UPDATE as of DECEMBER 26th: I was thinking yesterday would be a boring day since we had a whirlwind, very rushed Christmas morning on the 24th. I was wrong. I had just sat down to my computer to go through pictures when Chad, Erica, and Emmy came through the front door. Brett & Katie came up and Buff was here and we talked and played games and watched a new Harry Potter movie and ate lots of food. Chad even went a round of Tiger Woods Golf with me! Wahoo! Little Emmy ran around doing her "ho ho ho" from time to time, often unprompted. She climbed up and down the couch and the bean bag chair and generally was her little smiling happy self which just added to an already rich day. I was thinking of Cambrie in the back of my mind all day wondering how she was feeling and hoping she had a decent Christmas but all the folks here made my day. Even if Brett & Katie did almost sleep through Christmas dinner in the bean bag chair. Oh...and as for loot, I got TWO windshield sun for each vehicile (sweet!), a plate of nummy chocolates which I promptly hid from the world to save for a later date when there isn't so many goodies already on the cupboard, a DVD of all the precious videos of little Emmy, a calendar full of grandkid pictures that I'll enjoy all year long, and my sweetheart gave me a light blankie to put on my bed so I don't have to sweat under 6 inches of beadspread quilt. I love Christmas and it's my family that makes Christmas special. Thanks Everyone! Oh..Christa...Santa filled your stocking with goodies and a back scratcher AND a can of olives. I'll put it on the cupboard to wait for your arrival.


Cambrienelson said…
That was the strangest Christmas day I've ever had. Steve's family did't do ANYTHING for Christmas other than a Christmas dinner with the missionaries. Not one gift was given (we gave them a gift before we left, but they opened it before christmas). Not my style.
Gramps said…
That just seems un-American. Well, at least it's un-North Polian (which is where I have my dual citizenship!) As Emmy would say: Ho! Ho! Ho! I take it Steve and Kiera made it home OK....
Katie Groneman said…
I liked this Christmas because it seemed to stretch for about 3 days. Thanks to everyone for a fabulous holiday! Although we were sad to see the Nelson's go so soon.

PS... we're not exactly sharing our "family secret" with the world community for a few more weeks. And if someone outside of the family is reading this - you are about to experience selective amnesia.
Stevo said…
Here are our pictures of the trip:
Marilyn said…
We sure enjoyed having our family here for the holiday, even though it was cut short!

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