Let it Snow, let it snow, let it snow????

Mixed blessing. That is what snow is. We NEED the snow for water and to give us the Christmas Spirit but...
This morning at about 6:30 AM BJ called me...she had pulled over to clean the blades of her wipers to better see, and had gotten stuck in the snow on the way to work....
Yesterday, I was droping off some Christmas goodies to the Kirks (they live on a corner). When I do that, I usually just stop the car in front of the house so I don't have to back out to leave...but without really thinking about it, I pulled into the driveway. I had just got out of my car and there was a teenage driver who had just come around the snowpacked road corner...out of control and slid sideways into where I had just pulled in, and where I would have parked if I had opted to park on the street. So my new car missed being in an accident by about 4 seconds.
Staying inside to watch the snow fall is looking like a better option all the time!

So Buffy how late were you for work?


BUFFY said…
It was absolutely insane! It took me 2 1/2 hours to get to work this morning and I was an hour late!!!! about 45 min of that was just from getting off the 215 freeway to the 3 or 4 miles to work... I never want to do that again. I've decided that on snowy days, I'm going to take Trax up... it'll take me probably just as long and I won't have to have a heart attack every time some starts sliding towards me. I was really lucky this morning that 2 different guys decided to be saints and help me out of where I was stuck.
Cambrienelson said…
Ug! I don't miss the snow at all! I am not a fan of driving in the stuff....way too many bad experiences. I just hope roads are good in a week and a half
Chad said…
I almost got hit on Monday... The right front corner of a BYU student's car came about 6 inches from hitting me. It would have hit me, had the left front corner of their car not hit another car.
Erica said…
It is really pretty when you look at it from inside the warm cozy house. We got at least 9 inches down here. And it was still snowing yesterday. Gotta love snow-packed roads...
Gramps said…
I can't help it...I LOVE snow! Yea, it has it's problems but I can't imagine Christmas season without it.

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