After a thorough review of the DVD entitled "Groneman Family Reunion 2006, Reservation Ridge" I would like to ask a few questions.

First, I have a few technical questions for dad that need not take up this page, we'll chat later.

Second, is the Explorer for sale? I thought that in the riveting "let's go look at the dead flies" field-trip segment that I saw some suggestive white paint on the rear windows. How can you sell such an important part of Groneman family history? It should be bronzed and used as a birdbath in mom's flower beds.

Third, what was with you guys and those bug zapper things? Whose idea were those? We were going to show the clips to Benjamin and Jacob, but feel unable to do so due to the barbaric slaughter of innocent animals so graphically portrayed. How many zappers did you have? It looked like everyone had two in each hand.

Fourth, has grandpa g had his thyroid function tested recently? I know that Reservation Ridge has colder temperatures, but the amount of clothes he was wearing compared to the rest of the group was ridiculous.

Glad that all had a fun time. Now I have to go throw up because the ATV clilps brought out my motion sickness problem.

Much love,
PS. If anyone wonders why I keep posting as Christa, my computer doesn't want to accept another login name--I'm sure someone could do it, but it hasn't been worth my time to figure it out so far.


Gramps said…
Hi Yes, the Explorer is for sale. Two drivers, three vehicles isn't exactly cost effective when insurance, registration, and taxes are taken into account.....and we already have a birdbath. The bugzappers were originally my idea...I bought one for Saundra for her birthday and had an extra left over for myself ( 2 for $5 from Harbor Freight). Kert sent Saundra two more so we had 4 altogether. Don't knock it until you've tried it. Extremely entertaining for simple minds like mine. Third, if you think Grandpa's thyroid needs to be tested, I will. He's ALWAYS cold. He keeps his apartment at about 80 degrees and he wears coats when the rest of us are comfortable. Yea, I kind of got carried away with the ATV clips didn't I.....
Christa said…
No knocking was intended on the fly swatters--just some gentle ribbing about the apparent pleasure mom derived from slaughtering the innocent insects.
Marilyn said…
Yesterday it was 100 degrees in our backyard for probably 3 hours or more. The entire time Grandpa was sitting out in it, reading a book. He was out there for probably 6 hours total. He did shed the coat and sweatshirt and got all the way down to short sleeves! He is out there every day for probably 4 plus hours, and he says it feels about just right!
Cambrienelson said…
I too just recieved the home video in the mail. I think dad is trying to make me jelous. it's working

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