Hello People.
Today for fun, we just about suceeded in cutting off the end of my thumb so this is difficult. BTW, in case any of you were considering trying it, it wasn't that much fun afterall...I don't really recommend it.
I thought I should give ya'll an update on Grandma . Her kidneys are failing her. They are functioning on at 30%. I went to the dr with her the other day, he ordered a blood test, urine test and ultrasound on the kidney to see if he can figure out what is going on with them. He suspects that it's just old age, but then he says that she isn't really old enough to expect this kind of situation. Anyway. She really isn't doing well. each day she is in a panic about something that didn't happen that she is sure did. Her feet and lower legs were VERY swollen when she was here Thurs for dinner. She had to wear her slipon slippers, but even they didn't fit-her heels were sticking out the end about 1". She had grocery sacks on over the slippers so they wouldn't get dirty. She was a sight! And she couldn't sit through the movie we tried to watch because of her panic to get home because "the neighbors were in their house stealing her blind". She is a mess. Her Creatin was 1.7. They do dialisis when it gets to 4. She won't do it, so when she gets there, she will die. I don't blame her for not doing it. Her quality of life is MISERABLE! Anyway, I thought you should know.
Anyone alive out there? No one has added to this blog in several days.


Christa said…
It makes us very sad to hear such things about Grandma. Give her a big hug from us, will you?

Also-- what's up with your thumb?
Unknown said…
What does it mean when you say "we just about suceeded in cutting off the end of my thumb"?? That's not exactly the normal comment a person makes on a blog.

And yeah, that's very sad about Grandma. Too bad she has to be old and have all of the accompanying problems with it.
Gramps said…
Here's how the thumb thing worked. Marilyn handed me the garden sheers and said "Here. I'll hold these flowers and you cut them off right below where I'm holding them".......

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