HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM!!! We wish that we could be there again this year to tell you in person, but since we can't, you'll have to give yourself two big hugs (from me and Brigham) and two little hugs (from Aladdin and Jacob). We hope that it is a wonderful day for you!


Gramps said…
She got a new microwave oven for her birthday.....it's what she wanted. HOPEFULLY some kids will come over for dinner tonight. I'm cooking steaks and hamburgers and it would be a shame for just yer mom, Grandpa, and me to eat it alone.
Chad said…
Is Bubby now Aladdin? How did this happen?
Cambrienelson said…
I hope you all enjoyed your hamburgurs... I had TPN for MY dinner...and breakfast...and lunch...
Gramps said…
Chad, Brett, and Buff all came over...and Grandpa G of course. Since it was mom's birthday, she decided she wanted to play [shock] Settlers. We got about half way through the game when G&G H showed up with the Webers so that ended that game. It's a good thing I guess. I was about to win as usual so It's good I didn't make everyone feel bad.
Marilyn said…
It was a wonderful day for me. I got to see 3 of my kids and talk to the other 2 plus Steve (who is taking very good care of Cambrie=Thanks STEVE!!) Brigham was at work, but sent his Hap. B. Via Christa. Ann and her 2 girls came by to wish me a HB and my mom and dad. It was fun to have them come, but also frustrating, because Chad and Brett disappeared after they arrived until it was time to go. So I lost as much as I gained! Next time guys, join us! THe Webers love you too!

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