Book Review:

Fire in the Bones is a very interesting/educational book about the guy who translated the bible into English. There are many ways that his life parallels Joseph Smith's, and it really strengthened my testimony of the restoration. Very interesting book

Angels and Demons is written by Dan Brown (the same guy who wrote DaVinci Code) . It actually has a very similar type of plot to DaVinci Code, but it is not nearly as contraversial. It is about an ancient brotherhood who are trying to destroy the catholic church (via a bomb) on the day of conclave (when a new pope is voted in). The story is a real edge-of-your-seat page-turner and the plot is constantly twisting (much like 24). Oh, and it is PG rated and non-contraversal.

Steve and I both highly recommend both of these books.


Gramps said…
Is Fire in the Bones a biography or does it belong in the fiction section?
Christa said…
thanks for the book reviews, I was trying to decide whether to read Dan Brown's other book

Cambrienelson said…
Yes dad, a biography

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