I was thinking about how hard this whole pregnancy thing has been, but then I got to thinking about all of the blessing that I've had along with it. It would have been HORRIBLE if we would have been pregnant while we lived in Nevada-- first of all, we didn't have any health insurance : { secondly, we would have had to travel to Utah for our health care through a huge gorge and considering I'm at the hospital here almost 5 days out of every week that would have been aweful. Third, I am very lucky that I have such a good support system: Steve is the most perfect husband in the world and is SO supportive and wonderful; it was nice that mom was able to come out and help me during my worst times, I have a family who are praying for me, and lots of people who care. Forth, If I would have lived 50 years ago I probably would have been hospitalized for the entire pregnancy; if I would have lived 100 years ago I probably would have been dead. I'm glad I am pregnant in 2006.
I really am lucky. Just remember that when going through trials: no matter how bad things seem, they could always be worse, and sometimes you have to really think about your trials to recognize the blessings.
3-4 more months until this little kicker comes out!!

All can be forgiven -- I'll let you name your firstborn son after me.