Well, I made it to 5 months!! Here I am showing off my 5-month poochy belly. The picture with the back pack on depicts what I look like every night from 6pm to 8am since It contains my TPN (my IV feeding) so I haul it around with me.... it's a pain when you have to go to the bathroom 3-4 times a night and haul it with!!!

I was thinking about how hard this whole pregnancy thing has been, but then I got to thinking about all of the blessing that I've had along with it. It would have been HORRIBLE if we would have been pregnant while we lived in Nevada-- first of all, we didn't have any health insurance : { secondly, we would have had to travel to Utah for our health care through a huge gorge and considering I'm at the hospital here almost 5 days out of every week that would have been aweful. Third, I am very lucky that I have such a good support system: Steve is the most perfect husband in the world and is SO supportive and wonderful; it was nice that mom was able to come out and help me during my worst times, I have a family who are praying for me, and lots of people who care. Forth, If I would have lived 50 years ago I probably would have been hospitalized for the entire pregnancy; if I would have lived 100 years ago I probably would have been dead. I'm glad I am pregnant in 2006.
I really am lucky. Just remember that when going through trials: no matter how bad things seem, they could always be worse, and sometimes you have to really think about your trials to recognize the blessings.
3-4 more months until this little kicker comes out!!


Unknown said…
Forget that chin thing. You're lookin' pregnant today.
Gramps said…
I'll be SO glad when you can get back to your normal self (well, with children, you will never get back to the old you, but that's another story....) I'm happy that you feel good enough to post your pictures/trials here. About that kid thing I just said, it's true, but then look at me. My kids are the most joyful thing I have in my life other than yer mother. Kind of a drippy comment eh? Ok..I'll get back to my usual gruff self. Buck up Cambrie!
Marilyn said…
in your overalls, you don't look pregnant at all. Or green either! Just a happy healthy American chick with her backpack ready to take on a mountain. Looks can be sooo deceiving! I always thought that it would be nice to know how a person felt by how they looked. When I felt my worst, I looked pretty much fine, but then when you get larangitis (? Spelling hasn't ever been a strong spot for kim or I, and so you groneman kids are doomed!) everyone thinks you sound terrible when you feel fine and give sympathy when it isn't needed. Someday the resurrection comes and we won't have problems! yeah!
Chad said…
Hmmph! You neglected to mention ME in your support system. Well, I never.... I lend you my twenty-four and don't even get honorable mention!

All can be forgiven -- I'll let you name your firstborn son after me.
Christa said…
Too weird! My sister looks pregnant! I've never had a pregnant sibling before! You are way cute pregnant with your tiny pooch!!

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