So there I was sitting on the big roll of carpet in the "Quad" of Cinnamon Tree apartments, minding someone else's business, when suddenly Marie from apartment 12 walks up to me and says, "Do you have a sister moving in to my apartment?" Knowing that it was rather unlikely that Christa or Cambrie would be moving in any time soon, I assumed "Sister" referred to Breanna. However, I was under the impression that Breanna was possibly moving far far away. Inquiring further, I found out that there is a Groneman moving to apartment 12. Hence the original question to me.

Breanna, you didn't tell me you were moving to my ward. When?


Gramps said…
Minding someone else's business? Was she cute? Oh, BTW, when at the Tooele store, watch out for our Explorer. That's where it went to live out it's retirement years.
Gramps said…
So.....where is Breanna anyway? Haven't seen her around here lately.
Cambrienelson said…
Brett- didn't I tell you that I'm moving back into Cinnomon Tree? : )
Gramps said…
Wahoo! Cambrie & Steve are coming home!

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