Some people wanted to go up the Y last night and told me to come. So I did. I drove. It was about what you could expect from a hike up the Y trail late at night, except for a gigantic black spider crossing the trail. We couldn't see what it was at first because it was dark. I thought it was an obese slow mouse until my flashlight revealed its true identity as absolutely the largest spider I've ever seen in the wild.

Are there Tarantulas in Utah Valley?

But that's beside the point. The point is that when I came back to
my car I noticed that I had been visited by local law enforcement. They left me a nice parking ticket on my window for parking there after park curfew. By the way, for your information, the Y trailhead is in fact considered to be a "park" and it has a curfew too, in case you wanted to know. Upon closer examination of the ticket, I'm realizing that they only way they have to identify me specifically is by the license plate. I also noticed that they got one letter of my license plate number wrong when they wrote it down on the ticket. "Hmmm...." I thought as the 5-days counts down before it doubles and triples in late fees....


Christa said…
brigham posting:

you need to move to baltimore. The nice part about having plenty of murders going on around you is that you never have to worry that an overzealous officer with nothin else to do is going to give you a ticket.

However, if your license plate was recorded correctly somehow in their system and the ticket assigned to you, it could get ugly. I'd either pay it or fight it, I think ignoring it might be dangerous.
Marilyn said…
Yes, there are taratulas in Utah. Congratulations on seeing one in the wild. This is not something however, that I am wanting to no jealousy issues here.

Was it posted anywhere that you weren't supposed to park there after a certain time?
Chad said…
My friends Kirk and Jay caught a Tarantula when we lived in Roman Gardens. They kept it as a pet for a few months.

Tell 'em you didn't see any signs -- it was dusk, and the signs were not properly lit. Actually, don't tell them that, some ACLU like organization will find out about it and run with it until the government has wasted 3 years worth of taxes to have every sign have neon lights around it.
Unknown said…
When we left, Cherrie (who also drove and got a ticket) looked for a sign and found one somewhere. I've certainly never seen it before, but apparently the sign does say that you're not supposed to park there after a certain time at night. So it is my fault and I'll just have to pay it.

...Now I know...

This is the first time getting a parking ticket up there, and I've been up there that late many times. Maybe someone told the cops to come give us a parking ticket, because when we got up there, we opened up the doors and thumped "Mmmmm Bop!" by Hanson for romantic background music for all of the happy couples parked at the trail head. It was much more conducive to a wholesome evening than the slow flowing ghetto rap they had going.
Christa said…
There are tarantulas in Utah??? You better tell me that's a joke or I may never be able to live there again! NASTY!!!
Chad said…
In response to Buffy's comment

Why not? Brett and his friends really aren't that bad.
Marilyn said…
its a joke christa.

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