Hey ya'll. This is just to inform you Ut Valley residents about a couple of family functions upcoming so you can get them on your calendars. First, since the Webers aren't doing a reception for Malesa's wedding , but instead are doing a dinner at the Lion House, they have decided to have a family gathering at their house on Aug 6 at 5 pm. They are doing this specifically to be able to include all the cousins that they won't be able to have at the dinner-Lion house. So, they want to see yall there.
Second thing is (SHOCK!) another dinner! Here's the deal with that. Tyler Haslem has been called to the Tonga Nuku'alofa mission and his farewell is at 865 W. 1000 N in Orem at 1 pm. Afterwards about 2:30 they are going to have a family dinner at the Haslem house. However, I will not be attending the dinner. I have had to have SOOO many substitutes in the last 2 months that it is embarrassing. For 3 weeks while in California, for 1 week after the surgery, again this weekend cause we will be in Jackson Hole, and then in Sept again for another 2 weeks while I am on Kim's Sysops cruise. So I am going to leave AS soon as Tylers talk is done and then come flying back to teach my SS class. You can stay at Haslems and eat, or come and eat with us after our church is out at 4, or you can go back to Provo and have a good time flirting.... (hum,...maybe I shouldn't have put it like that, now I won't see anyone!) By the way, the invitation to come to dinner any night stands open. Just let me know in advance that your coming so I don't serve spam! Anyway. I hope you can make it to at least 1 if not both events. Malesa is moving to NYC and you won't be seeing her for quite a while... and hey, I would like to get re aquainted with ya'll too!

For those of you wondering, no, it isn't a 2 week cruise...it is a 7 day that starts on Sunday so with travel time that is 2 sundays. Bummer about that. It is to St Thomas and St Marteen and some of the Bahamas. I don't know exactly where it is...but I plan on going this time. Love ya'll.


Gramps said…
So...Tyler's farewell is at 1PM. Cool. You wouldn't happen to have a date with that would you?
Marilyn said…
Yeah, I do have that date it is Aug 13.
Christa said…
St. Thomas and St. Marteen??? We were looking into those before we decided on Aruba. They looked FABULOUS! I'm totally jealous!
Christa said…
who put together the photo collage that went with the links--many of those were hIlarious
Chad said…
I agree.. Someone learned how to create links. Let's hope she doesn't find out about animated GIFs.

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