Groneman Family
So, I am not at all sure that this is how I post a blog, but as Kim is out mowing the grass after cutting apart the major limbs that we lost in the microburst that Cedar Hills had while we were gone. The backyard was a disaster. Kim has been out in the heat slaving away for about 3 hours, and he hasn't even gotten to the front lawn yet. And since they didn't get mowed for 11 days, it was time to pull out a thresher! Way too much work for yer ol pa who has spent 9 of the last 10 days doing R &R. !!
Just so's you all know: This coming Friday (4 days) we are going to take up Grandpa Gronemans trailer to the Mtn property, where it will have a permanent home. Kim says that it is just too heavy to pull around. So we will use it when we go up there, and the other when we go other places. We arent sure yet what we will do about Grandpa G next year we go camping. One thing we found out about him this year camping: He is a hazard to himself, us and the forest left to his own devices in his own trailer. At least 3 times, Kim went in his trailer to get something and he had left a pot on the stove to boil unattended for who knows how many hours. And he did other dangerous things too. He needs close supervision, because after he came out in the AM about 11- 12 (when he got up) he would usually stay out all day, or in our trailers with us until bedtime. So if Kim hadn't needed to go in he could have boiled the pot dry and then who knows what would have happened next. He is scarey.
Also, FYI, Kim and I , Guy and Ann, Kathy and David, and Garth and Julie are going up for a 3 day retreat to jackson Hole July 20-23. We should be home that Sunday evening. Oh blast! That means I need to get ANOTHER SS substitute! Oh well. It should be fun. But if you need to contact us, you will need to call Kims cell phone. Since Novell pays for it and there will be roaming charges...just call if ya really need to contact us before Sunday when we will get home.
News from the FAM: Devin is home from his mission and the blessings have evidently been curtailed: All in the last 2 weeks these are some of the events of the West household.
Kathy and David rented a couple of ATV's and took them up to the mountain property. They are not quite sure how it happened, but Davids ended up taking an unplanned roll down the mountainside. Needless to say it was totalled. They did not buy the insurance, so that little accident cost them $5K.
Kathys "Maryland Bridge" on her teeth came lo0se and she could not find any Dentists anywhere that still do them, so she ended up having to go with 2 complete bridges (like mine in the same places) at a cost of $4,500.00
As if that wasn't enough, the sewer line under their driveway, came apart, and flooded part of the basement. In order to get to the problem, they had to tear out their driveway, but in the process they cut the telephone and internet lines also. So they didn't have any plumbing, telephone or internet for 3 days. The plumbing is fixed now and the phone is back on . Comcast said they couldn't come for a week, which is a problem for David as his job requires the internet...But their home looks very much like it is under constructions as they have torn out most of the cement in the front yard, and alot of it in the back, and they pulled carpets up from the basement and are starting again on sheetrock etc in Micheals room (his was the worst). All in 2 weeks time! David says that Devin needs to go serve another mission. Kathy says he needs to get Seth ready to go. But, other than that, life is great huh? :)


Gramps said…
Two times renting ATVs to take to the mountain. Two times having major crashes and having to pay big bucks for the ATVs. Will the third time be the charm or will they take the safe way out and stay away from ATVs from now on? Stay tuned for "As the Stomach Turns".......
Cambrienelson said…
what an essay!!

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