Steve and I went to my in-laws place on our 3rd anniversary for a change in scenery since I was feeling rather poorly. When we walked in the door the first thing my mother in law said was "is your chubby face from Steroids, or from pregnancy?" Yes, that is not exactly what I wanted to hear.... but it is the truth: the 'Groneman chin' has taken up residency on my face and I have an extra layer of chub. I'm actually not really chubby anywhere else- infact, I weight 125 lbs which is my pre-pregnancy weight. Nevertheless, I cannot stand to be called chubby so I've decided to try anorexia as a solution to my problem...... oh wait.... considering I've eaten 3 otter pops in the past week, I don't see how I can cut anything else out...... I know!... I'll try bulemia. I'll just vomit up everyth......... ok, nevermind. Alas, I have no choice but to deal with my chubby face.


Christa said…
cambrie--you're probably very aware of this already, but chubby face without weight gain=oral steroid side effect and nothing more. You'll drop the goat as you drop or discontinue your steroid dose.

Happy chipmunking in the mean time. Hope you are feeling at least somewhat well.

Gramps said…
Hey, I didn't call you Punkin' without reason! JUST KIDDING!
Chad said…
Maybe you should try reverse psychology on it -- Try binging.

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