Groneman Family
I am happy to announce that after my spending 28 hours (yes, we count them for tax purposes) at the Duplex, we finished what really needed to be done to make it more rentable! I went down for 3 days in a row. Kim spent about 6.5 (ish) hours there yesterday. Between us we replaced the motor in the Swamp cooler, and adjusted the pump and cleaned the water sprayers.. replaced the tap in the bathroom, painted 1 room and touched up all the others, hung a drape, cleared the kitchen drain, cleaned tub, oven, toilet, sinks, cupboards, floors, windows, fertilized the grass, weedeated the place, pruned, cleaned out 2 years of dead growth in the garden, put roundup on noxious weeds in the cracks of the cement, blew away the seeds and dirt, repaired a fence, dug out the old caulk in the bathroom and replaced it with new, restained the kitchen cupboards and more! I'll bet your are all so jealous that you couldn't have been there to help! Sanitizing the place and killing off all those nasty germs was only slightly less fun than zapping all those "Innocent" flies camping! (borrowing a phrase from Kim....BBBwahahahaha!)
Kim was not overly thrilled about having to go to the duplex at all (especially to replace the motor of the cooler on the roof when it was hot). He did however have one moment of elation: As I had said, I was there 2 days before trying to get stuff done. One problem that I had was the tub drain. It was so clogged, nothing would move (a problem we had in the other side of the duplex earlier). So I had put a full botttle of drain cleaner in trying to clear it myself (and I had used a plunger earlier to no avail) Nothing worked. So Kim had brought his drain clearer thing. He said, you are right! Nothing is going down this drain!!! But then when he started the process to clear it he discovered the REAL problem: you know that little lever that you put up and down, depending on if you want water, or if you want it drained? Well, it wasn't open to drain. YEP, true story. So Kim was having a moment of bliss realizing that he didn't have to do that job afterall. (IN DEFENSE OF BOTH OF US, OUR DRAIN IN OUR TUB IS VISIBLY OPEN AND SHUT, THIS ONE JUST LOOKS OPEN ALL THE TIME, WE FORGOT THIS KIND EVEN EXISTED!) Chalk up one more to a old brain! But hey, it provided Kim with a moment of Joy, so it was not all in vain!! Moments of joy were hard to come buy yesterday!

For clarification to all concerned about the great loss of so much innocent life up at reservation ridge....Innocent? Bah! Those knats, deerflys, horseflys were each bent on our destruction! They ganged up on us in such numbers that if it weren't for those blessed inventions of destruction, I would have been out of there after 1 day! Great swarms of them were conspiring to destroy us off the face of the planet! It was no less an inspiring miraculous victory for us than the 6 day war was in Isreal about 50 years ago. We should be given a metal of honor for first enduring their noxious presence as long as we did, and relieving the world of about 1000 or more noxious critters! We were vastly outnumbered, but we overcame! And I fully expect a report on this event when I die and am eulogized, as one of my lifes great victorys, so take note everyone!


Gramps said…
I have to note, when it was time for me to look at the tub drain, it took about 10 seconds for me to notice the problem. :-) Doggon that draino, we should get our money didn't clear the blockage! [snicker]. As for the flies, I agree with yer mom. It was all out war, and war is ugly sometimes. (So am I but that's another story....)

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