yesterday I turned in about 20 homework assignments for my nursing class online. Before turning them in I went through all of them and to check for errors. As I've said before, one of the new APA rules is that you can only have one space after a period. So, I used the "find and replace" tool on my computer to replace all of the "period, space, space" with just "period space". It was really handy to find all the errors for me and fix them.
then, last night as I was in Kiera's room I saw a dark spot on the wall. No kiddin' sure enough, it was an ugly spider. I killed it and had the heebiejeebies. I got to thinking about the fact that there are probably 10 spiders lurking somewhere inside of our house that I'm not aware of. That is when I had my brilliant idea: I could just use the "find and replace" tool and find and replace "spider" with "no spider". .....and then I realized that life doesn't have a "find and replace tool". It's too bad-- it was a good idea for one half second!