Ever have those moments when you think your are a genius, and then a half second later you realize you're not the brightest crayon in the box?

yesterday I turned in about 20 homework assignments for my nursing class online. Before turning them in I went through all of them and to check for errors. As I've said before, one of the new APA rules is that you can only have one space after a period. So, I used the "find and replace" tool on my computer to replace all of the "period, space, space" with just "period space". It was really handy to find all the errors for me and fix them.
then, last night as I was in Kiera's room I saw a dark spot on the wall. No kiddin' sure enough, it was an ugly spider. I killed it and had the heebiejeebies. I got to thinking about the fact that there are probably 10 spiders lurking somewhere inside of our house that I'm not aware of. That is when I had my brilliant idea: I could just use the "find and replace" tool and find and replace "spider" with "no spider". .....and then I realized that life doesn't have a "find and replace tool". It's too bad-- it was a good idea for one half second!


Christa said…
Very good idea! Let me know if you can get it to work! I'm impressed that you killed it! For me there are only 2 methods of spider extermination-- putting a glass bowl over it so Brigham can kill it when he gets home or Raid. Raid is only employed when the spider is not on a horizontal surface.
Gramps said…
Just think of all the other bugs that will now be able to get into your house because you killed a spider that would keep the bug population down for you.
Marilyn said…
Well, the spiders in our yard are NOT doing their job, so I think that they should all die! This morning I went out to pick the apples that were falling of their own accord, and from 100 feet away I could see that several of the apples were 1/2 covered by Box Elder Bugs! So, the spiders must not like them either! I took matters into MY OWN HANDS! I got a spray bottle full of dish detergent (and water), sprayed the monsters, which caused them to fall to the ground like rain, and then I sprayed them with bug killer! There should now be about 700 fewer bugs to reproduce for next year! Stupid spiders for not doing their job!!!

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