PICTURES OF OUR TRIP. View them as a slideshow HERE and read the captions. You can also see a video:


Christa said…
Gorgeous pictures! Looks like you had a great trip! Were you still enjoying it on the last day?
Gramps said…
I was still enjoying it. Every day by the end of the day I was relieved to get off that machine and go to dinner then go to bed, but the next morning, I was ready to go again. On the last day yer mom said she had had more than enough, but I could have gone on days and days and days. It was fun packing everything we needed onto the ATVs and going with another destination in mind besides back home for the day.
Marilyn said…
Some time, when you have time, you kids will have to leave your kids with us and go do that adventure for yourself. It would be better without the 2 days it took to travel from Marysvale to the Bryce area.
Cambrienelson said…
Beautiful red rock-- I miss red rock. Looks like you guys had lots of fun.

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